品牌:ProteinTech 清空条件
品牌 目录号 名称 分类 规格 目录价 说明书下载
ProteinTech SA00014-2-500UL CoraLite594-conjugated Recombinant Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG Kappa Light Chain 500ul 1960.00
ProteinTech SA00014-3-100UL CoraLite488-conjugated Recombinant Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG Kappa Light Chain 100ul 450.00
ProteinTech SA00014-3-500UL CoraLite488-conjugated Recombinant Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG Kappa Light Chain 500ul 1960.00
ProteinTech SA00014-4-100UL CoraLite488-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 100ul 450.00
ProteinTech SA00014-4-500UL CoraLite488-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 500ul 1960.00
ProteinTech SA00014-5-100UL CoraLite594-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 100ul 450.00
ProteinTech SA00014-5-500UL CoraLite594-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 500ul 1960.00
ProteinTech SA00014-6-100UL CoraLite647-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 100ul 450.00
ProteinTech SA00014-6-500UL CoraLite647-conjugated Mouse Anti-Heavy Chain of Rabbit IgG 500ul 1960.00
ProteinTech SA00014-7-100UL CoraLite647-conjugated AffiniPure F(ab')2 Fragment Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 100ul 450.00
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电话: 0571-87243172
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